Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Death of Life

A series of images I created in photoshop. I love the texture in the backgrounds and the flocks of birds. I think the second and third ones are my favorite. I did not create these images to go together but I think it works having them placed side by side. As a whole the image is called "Death of Life" but each picture has it's own title. I was inspired by some music from My Chemical Romance. I listened through The Black Parade album while working on these. I also included each picture individually.

"Death of Life"

"Save Me"

"Fall from Grace"

"Rainy Day"

I got the textured backgrounds at Shadow House Creations. They are absolutely beautiful and helped add the grungy feeling to these pieces. I also downloaded some brushes from Shadow House as well as from Brusheezy. All brushes are free to use [rarely I'll come across brushes on brusheezy where the artist doesn't want you to make money off their creation unless you share] and they work great. I haven't been doing to well at keeping up with my project of the week so this is being added to make up for my negligence. Have a great week.

- Candice

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