Sunday, June 3, 2012

I wish I had more tea.

I actually made a new blog, solely to try and review teas and tea shops. I have the page made. A few posts ready. I just... need to get more teas. I know what I want to. It's just getting them that is the problem.

I really need a new job... I can't afford to get new teas, or go to tea shops. I can't afford to do a lot of things actually...

Now I'm getting overly depressed. I wish the world didn't run on money. I'm reading a post that I have saved as a draft on here. About my work/money situation, and it's just making me cry all over again.

But it's ok. I don't need a plan. Right? I'm only 21. I don't need to have any answers. I don't even know all the questions yet. So, it's ok. It's ok.

In moments like these I just... I really wish you were here. 
I've been such an emotional wreck lately. 

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