Thursday, May 17, 2012

Oh what have I been up to. Not updating this blog that's for sure. I passed all my spring semester classes, and I am in a summer math course. I am looking for new work (hopefully something comes of it this time). I'm rereading Harry Potter, replaying Mass Effect, doing my nails, visiting old friends, making new one(s). I've got new music to relax to, and tried my hand at baking.

I'm too poor to do much. I need my hair done, I want more music, but bills precede wants. I've almost been with Tyrone for a year. A year! How strange it feels longer and shorter at the same time. He's been applying for work near me. I can't say I was expecting that, at least not right now. It's a very nice surprise actually.

Well I don't think I have much more to say. Life hasn't been that exciting as of late.

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