Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Why spring finals are 10x worse than fall finals.

In the fall you get a countdown, if you will. Once Thanksgiving break comes around you know Oh, I only have this many weeks of school left after this. Time to crack down! However in the spring semester you don't get that luxury. Spring break comes much to early to worry about finals. You might be able to use it as a landmark for midterm, depending on your school. But for me, it doesn't help much because it's over a month ahead of finals.

Spring finals just come out of nowhere. One minute you are just sitting in class taking notes, and then a student asks for details about the final. Then the teacher says "Oh it will still be in here next class time..." and then your heart skips a beat, and you begin to panic thinking Did he really just say it was next time?! And this kids, is why spring finals are worse. They sneak up on you.

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