Monday, April 23, 2012


Communication: B - final complete, not graded
Geography: Unknown - final not complete
Photo: C+ - final complete, not graded
Yoga: Unknown - final not completed (I know, who thought you'd have a final in yoga)
Guitar: Unknown - playing final tomorrow, written final thurs.

Has the panic set in for you yet? It has for me. Also it's really disgusting I have such a low grade in photo. And I must say I am very much less than satisfied with the course. I signed up for a photography class, not an essay writing class. The teacher is very unclear as to what she even wants in these essays. "Critique their work," Ok where I come from critiquing is about the technical aspects as much as it is content, and I get yelled at for saying "It's too dark, too bright, too something, not enough something." I am not "micromanaging" photos, I am critiquing them. Then she turns around and does the same thing. Also I've never been in a photo class that doesn't actually work in class. We don't print, edit, or go over photos at all.

This is not how a photo class should be run. I miss my old photo teachers.

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