Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Math test tomorrow, math final a week away, new job a little over a week and a half away. My last day at my current job is tomorrow. Life seems pretty busy at the moment. Especially with the tests. Luckily my new job doesn't start until after my final. I don't think I could handle new work + a test and determines whether or not I'll get my degree. Don't you love that about college?

You take tons of classes that you pay for, classes that you most likely don't need for your major. And if you don't pass they don't give you your degree! How lame is that? Pretty lame if I do say so myself. It simply does not make sense. Neither do partial fractions, matrix's, or factorials. But we still have to solve them anyways. I will never understand the point of taking math courses that you never have to use outside the course.

The schools feed you excuses such as "It's good to have a general knowledge of things. Employers like employees who can do a lot of things." While that is somewhat true, most employers like new employees to have a degree in a specific area. Having a degree saying you took generals is almost like having a high school degree now-a-days. They want people with a specific skill set, not people with "general knowledge" that schools impose on us.

And that is the end of my rant. I'm going to end my night with an episode of Pretty Little Liars, fold some laundry. And perhaps make myself a cup of tea, while I try not to let myself get too worried about a few tests.

The most important thing to remember is that a degree is no way whatsoever an accurate representation of someone's intelligence.

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