Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Original writing by Candice Rutledge
with excerpts from “Pretty” By Katie Makkai
and “Shake the Dust” by Anis Mojgani

This is for the fat girls of today
and those women who passed out 
deforming their rib cages with corsets 
to obtain the perfect hour glass shape.
And those who plucked their hair line
to have a more attractive facade.
This is for those past who stuffed their 
bellies to advertise fake wealth,
and those today who can do 
nothing but empty them.
and the ones who are 
offended by their own anatomy. 
This is for those who have painted their skin white
or sat in a bed built of lights in hopes to stain it.
For the gym class wall flowers 
and the twelve-year-olds afraid of taking public showers
Because society told them there is 
something wrong with presenting their body. 
This is for the bra stuffers
and the starvers. 
Because we’ve all wondered
Will I be pretty?
That pretty question is asked at conception
and it hangs from our mothers’ lips 
with pounds of worry.
From birth we’re dressed in frilly clothes,
with bows gelled into our hair
and holes puncturing our ears.
Will I be pretty?
Will I be pretty?
Will I be wanted? Worthy? Pretty?
But when puberty strikes baby faces
nature naturally deforms our features. 
Teeth set at science fiction angles,
crooked noses, cracked voices, 
awkward body transitions, 
faces fingerprinted with scars 
and pimples. 
How could this happen? 
Don’t worry... They’ll say.
We can fix you.
And now you’ll spend the 
rest of your life being fixed. 
You’ll use ointments, lotions, and pills
to fix your face. 
Mineral powder and liquid 
to cake on a thin mask,
bright or dark colors to bring out your eyes,
a dash of pink because your 
natural blush just won’t work. 
The most expensive hair products 
and salon care to change your color
or add a glimmering highlight. 
Heating tools to fix the fringe 
that you’ve been cursed with. 
Steel bars encase your teeth
and force them to get in line.
Then there is the special 
toothpaste and mouthwash 
to give you the perfect white smile. 
And if that’s not good enough
we’ll feed you bleach. 
Then we’ll introduce you to razors
So you can damn any hair that isn’t 
growing on your head. 
And if that’s not good enough
we’ll give you hot wax to yank it out,
but if you really want to be perfect
and rid of it forever. we’ll give you lasers. 
And to fix your shape we’ll give you
bras that make you look bigger
and pills to make you look smaller. 
Special foods to help lose weight,
special shoes and clothes to wear
because they’ll help flatter you
so you look presentable. 
There are ointments and lotions
to make your future wrinkles go away
lip-glosses to make you 
have a kissable plumpness. 
Exfoliators to scratch off 
the dead weight on your face. 
Gyms will be open 24 hours a day
so you can constantly fix your figure. 
But if the pills, and the running,
the bra stuffing, and lip plumping 
still can’t fix you we’ll offer you a knife,
an injection, or suction. 
This is for the girls who haven’t seen 
their own face in years. 
Who can’t remember their 
natural hair color
and paint their faces daily.
This is for everyone who is
crest-fallen because not enough
strangers found you suitable to sleep with.
This is to my some-day future daughter,
With eyes swollen shut from insecurity begging me
“Mom will I be pretty? Will I be pretty?”
I will wipe that question from your mouth
like cheap lipstick and answer,
“No! The word pretty is unworthy of
everything you will be, and no child
of mine will be contained in five letters.”
“You will be pretty intelligent, pretty creative,
pretty amazing. But you, will never be merely ‘pretty’.” 

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